Yet another example of a McCain supporter jumping ship and supporting Obama (albeit not quite as notable as some of the previous examples mentioned on this blog). From The Independent Florida Alligator:
Throughout Biden’s speech, about 25 students supporting McCain waved Republican campaign signs and a yellow Gadsden flag, used during the Revolutionary War, by the back fence of the arena.
“It stands for preserving liberty,” said Bryan Griffin, UF College Republicans chairman, of the flag, adding that Obama’s policies would strip Americans of some liberties, such as choosing how to spend their money.
Not all Republicans were there to protest.
“I wanted to see the next vice president of the United States,” said Josh Simmons, Gators for McCain chairman.
Simmons said he voted for Obama about two weeks ago.
“I’ve seen a different John McCain than the one I signed up to work for,” he said.
Simmons said he submitted his resignation Sunday night and will no longer be chairman for the group, which has more than 1,000 members.
“I expect them to be incredibly pissed off,” he said.